OpERaTing SYSTEM Embedded Linux ViDEO ViDEO STanDaRD PAL / NTSC ViDEO COMpRESSiOn Standard H.264 inpuTS 4 BNC 8 BNC 16 BNC ViDEO FRaME RaTE PAL: 25fps, NTSC: 30fps auDiO auDiO COMpRESSiOn ADPCM TwO-waY COMMuniCaTiOn Reuse audio input/output channel 1 auDiO inpuT 2 Channel, RCA 4 Channel, RCA auDiO OuTpuT 1 Channel, RCA LiVE ViEw, RECORD anD pLaYbaCk RECORD MODE Manual / Schedule / Motion Detection LiVE ViEw 4ch * 1080P @ 25fps 8ch * 1080P @ 25fps 16ch * 1080P @ 25fps RECORDing RESOLuTiOn 4ch * 1080N @ 25fps 8ch * 1080N @ 20fps 16ch * 1080N @ 15fps pLaYbaCk 1ch * 1080N @ 25fps 3ch * 1080N @ 15 fps 4ch * 1080N @ 15fps HaRD DiSk 1 SATA Interface, Up to 4 TB 2 SATA Interface, Each interface up to 6 TB baCkup MODE USB Device DiSpLaY DiSpLaY VGA/HDMI/BNC DiSpLaY RESOLuTiOn 720P/SXGA/1080P DiSpLaY SpLiT 1, 4ch 1, 4, 8, 9 ch 1, 4, 8, 9, 16 ch pRiVaCY MaSking Upto 1 region for each camera auXiLiaRY inTERFaCE aLaRM inpuT No 4 4 aLaRM OuTpuT No 1 1 pTZ COnTROL Support via RS485 uSb 2 USB (2.0) Ports iR REMOTE No Yes ELECTRiCaL pOwER SuppLY DC +12V / 2 A DC +12V / 4 A DC +12V / 3 A pOwER COnSuMpTiOn < 6W (without HDD) < 10W (without HDD) EnViROnMEnTaL OpERaTing TEMpERaTuRE -10°C to +55°C RELaTiVE HuMiDiTY 10% to 90% OTHER DiMEnSiOn 215 (W) x 47 (H) x 215 (D) mm 355 (W) x 50 (H) x 232.5 (D) mm wEigHT 1.5 kg 3.0 kg CERTiFiCaTES CE, FCC
the Honeywell Performance AHD DVrs for small-to-medium scale applications delivers high resolution recording images. With outstanding 1080P resolution, compatibility with HD cameras & analog cameras, this DVr optimizes recording quality to provide outstanding video performance for hybrid application.
the user-friendly operation interface allows users to live view, record, playback, back up and remotely control the system simultaneously. With 2 sAtA slots, the maximum storage capacity of the HrLt1080/ HrLt1160 is up to 12tB. the DVr’s are easy to be operated through smart phone and web browser. Free DDNs server service is available to support remote control of the DVr.
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