MAin PowER SUPPLy VoLTAgE AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz BAckUP PowER SUPPLy VoLTAgE AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz MAin PowER SUPPLy fUSE T2AL 250V RATEd PowER 35W LinE inPUT inPUT SignAL 1V(0dBV) inPUT iMPEdAncE 20 KΩ fREqUEncy RESPonSE 80Hz-18KHz SnR >85dB, A weighted AUdio oUTPUT oUTPUT chAnnELS CH1, CH2 oUTPUT SignAL 1V (0dBV) Thd <0.1% PowER AMPLifiER conTRoL inTERfAcE chAnnEL no. 3 (CH1, CH2 and spare amplifier) oUTPUT SignAL 1.4V Thd <0.1% conTRoL SignAL Self-testing, amplifier fault and power saving control signal LoUdSPEAkER ciRcUiT oUTPUT chAnnEL no. 8 (with group A and group B) MAxiMUM LoUdSPEAkER LoAd 500W conTAcT inPUT / oUTPUT conTAcT inPUTS 8 monitored contact input ports conTAcT oUTPUTS 8 contact output ports (NO、NC and COM) MAx. woRking VoLTAgE foR oUTPUTS AC 250V/DC 30V MAx. woRking cURREnT foR oUTPUTS 2.5A oThERS dc PowER oUTPUT 24V/1A oPERATing condiTionS hUMidiTy < 95%, without condensing oPERATing TEMPERATURE -10°C~+55°C(14°F to +131°F) SToRAgE TEMPERATURE -40°C~+70°C(-40°F to +158°F)
Honeywell’s INTEVIO Public Address and Voice Alarm system is the ideal solution for single buildings. It is an integrated solution that can provide better stability, costsavings, and higher user experience and performance:
Better safety and stability • Complies with international standards • A highly compact and integrated system • Simple and easy to use with an innovative design • Provides easy access to status updates, amplifier backup, logging and direct paging capabilities
Highly efficient solution • Plug-and-play with default settings • Intuitive set-up with step-by-step guided interaction between buttons and screens • Can achieve all calls by configurable keys • Auto configures when components are physically connected
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