Video STandaRd PAL/NTSC Scanning SYTeM Progressive iMage SenSoR 1/2.7” 2Megapixel CMOS ReSoluTion 1080P nuMBeR of PixelS 1928(H) x 1088(V) MiniMuM illuMinaTion 0.01lux@F1.2, 0 Lux IR on Video ouTPuT AHD, CVBS Video fRaMe RaTe 25 / 30 fps SYnc SYSTeM Internal auToMaTic elecTRonic SHuTTeR 1/25 ~ 1/50000 lenS focal lengTH 3.6 mm angle of View H: 80.6º lenS TYPe Fixed caMeRa feaTuReS iR led’S 18 PCS iR illuMinaTion diSTance 20m SnR More than 50dB daY/nigHT Auto auToMaTic gain conTRol Auto wHiTe Balance Auto digiTal noiSe ReducTion 3DNR wdR DWDR oSd Yes elecTRical inPuT VolTage DC12V±10%, 500mA PoweR conSuMPTion Max 6W
the Honeywell Performance AHD series is designed for small-to-medium scale surveillance applications at a very cost-effective price. Honeywell’s latest product offering includes four types of 1080P HD Analog Ir Fixed/Vari-focus eyeball and bullet cameras, and three types of 4/8/16 channel DVr with the no latency 1080P live view.
Featuring advanced Analog High Definition (AHD) video technology, the Performance AHD series HBL2r1 and HeL2r1 are HD analog cameras which provide 1080P (1920X1280) sharp, high definition images. the AHD technology ensures real-time and non compressed signal transmission via coaxial cable, which significantly reduces installation cost and provides much sharper images without video quality loss.
Market opportunities • the HeL2r1/HBL2r1 cameras are cost effective surveillance solutions suitable for various applications, including schools, colleges, hotels, hospitals, commercial sites, retail stores, warehouses, banks among others. • Features 3.6mm built-in lens, 1080P resolution, tDN function and Ir night vision. • Ideal for easy and cost-effective upgrade of existing analog systems to high definition surveillance.
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